Fair Housing
What is Fair Housing?
Fair housing is treating everyone equally when negotiating the sale, rental, financing, or advertising of property. Federal laws make it illegal to treat individuals differently in all housing-related transactions because of that person’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. Housing providers, lending institutions, real estate agents, and all other housing-related entities, whether private or public, are required to follow federal, state, and local laws regarding fair housing.
IFHMB’s fair housing department is dedicated to providing information, investigation, education, conciliation, and/or referral of housing discrimination complaints free of charge to people in our service area. Fair housing workshops are offered year-round to educate housing providers, tenants, homeowners, and financial and lending institutions on the key aspects of fair housing laws.
How can I report housing discrimination?
To report a discrimination complaint, request a fair housing training, or request information and resources, call 1-800-321-0911 ext. 175 or email fairhousing@ifhmb.com. Our trained fair housing specialists can assist you in the filing of a fair housing complaint or provide you with information on your housing rights.
Fair Housing Education
IFHMB regularly offers training workshops and presentations to provide information about fair housing laws and the services and resources available through our agency. Workshops and presentations are offered for housing providers, city staff, and the general public throughout the year. Contact us to schedule a course to suit the specific needs of your company or organization at 1-800-321-0911 or by email at fairhousing@ifhmb.com.
Topics covered in our Fair Housing workshops include:
IFHMB programs and services
Federal Fair Housing Laws
State Fair Housing Laws
Protected categories
Examples of discriminatory activities
Fair Housing rights and responsibilities
Suggested actions to avoid discrimination complaints
Suggestions for Fair Housing policies, practices, and procedures
Reasonable accommodations and modifications
Design and Construction requirements for multi-family housing
Suggestions to avoid discriminatory advertising
Fair Housing resources, brochures, and literature
When you donate, you are helping to improve the lives and financial well-being of individuals, families and communities.
I want to help Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board to:
Provide housing counseling services
Develop and establish education and mediation programs